No wonder that these fluent english speakers and their obvious kids from AIIMS,CMC's,Jipmer's got more media coverage for whom manufacturing news becomes easy with better english speakers rather than the poor ruralite who will be provided with education in his mother tongue by the state, for whom simple uni-colour uniforms are unaffordable, for whom schools are never reached in Power air-conditioned high-end sedans, for whom a full tutor is a dream or mere luck if he gets one,for whom school is more a place revered for the un-balanced mid-day meal, with politicians more concerned with whether to add egg or not in the mid-day ration rather than a better improved infrastructure, for whom schools are either squeezed with his mates or classes usually going in tree shade, for whom basic sanitary needs in his school is always denied or unaccessible, for whom additional tutions is only imaginable and to top it all finishing the school will become an acheivement..

But for the elites school is always packed with programs with strong business motives of the promoters promising soft-skills, yoga, swimming and all related stuffs.. Where one register for high end coaching class right away from the day he joins class VII where he would be familiarizing himself with physics,chemistry and maths, and taking N mock tests, n+1 guides, N+N tutions and infinity guidance and still two solid years preparing only for the 3/6 hours entrace exams and still complains that he is being denied the right of equal oppurtunity...with thousands and thousands of inequalities being present in the way he learns, trains and tries and gets guidance for the admission...
And atlast the elite,privilaged,more straight forward urbanites starts pester the government and state that injustice has been meeted out to them... This is simply "Irony of Fate"
America is america because there are no reservations in place. Reservations only help people to achieve mediocrity and lower standards. I recently came across a Doctor's Board MBBS ( Non -Quota Canditate ). Remember by asking for reservation you are actually discrediting yourself by giving some lame excuses. Remember by agreeing to reservations your are agreeing to the fact that people see you WHAT YOU ARE ( A SC OR ST OR BC ) rather than WHO YOU ARE ( A TALENTEND PERSON ).Agreed everyone is not borb equal. Even the BIG FOOL Ambedkar had reservations in place for 10 years only but the lazy not downtroddden as you claim prolonged it for so long. It is of no wonder that India's Space Programme has landed more in the Bay of Bengal than in Space. BUT THEN WHO WOULD SAY NO TO A FREE LUNCH.
Not always one will look at people with "what you are in mind" Even If I agree to your arguemnet that the lazy guys prolonged it beyond 10 years.. Why caste hindus from pappapatti are not allowing a Dalit guy as theri panchayat head?? WHy rajput youth plunder dalit house holds in Haryana?? Why armed Balbir/and all senas are still prevalent in Bihar..?? WHy discrimination still prevailing in almost all states in India?? Idf you substantiate any of my question comprehensively then I would change my state...Please never ever compare India and America... In no standard the countries are comparable...
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