The issue is almost over now. Long back I thought of wirting about the Great drama. The entire issue is very good example for the famous proverb which goes like
"what you sow so shall you reap!!"
The local congressmen from Up would never have imagined that the very same Office of Profit ghost will haunt them !! directly and that to against Sonia herself. Much had been debated about the issue with wordings from " Second sacrifice " . I too gone through many of the analysis and the best and noteworthy to mention in my point here is a letter in hindu.
The saga started when BJP planned to refer Sonia's case to the election which was pretty quick in disqualifying Jaya Bachan's Post owing to the conditions that she is holding a position which is an office of profit. Sonia being the chair person of the NAC(National Advisory council) . which is funded by the central government itself(also dubiously called as the shadow cabinet) and also n+1 trusts of congress, has to bore the brunt.
But Sonia's gameplan was really shrewd(as always) like the previous renuciation drama enacted in the year 2004 when the Indian electorate rejected the dubious " India Shining Campaign" and gave the congress front a clear majority..
But that's a separate story. Things unravelled very fast in a congress way with the parliamentary affairs minister Priya Ranjan Das Munshi calling for a short cut Ordnance to bypass the cause for SONIA rather than an act which has to be discussed per se. The BJP woke from the nap and caught the issue. The congress realizing the extreme step and the heat it would generate took a break and put the ordnance in a bakburner. And the worst of all happened with almost all the parties (including the so called stain free comrades) accepting a legislation to save all their tainted netas.
The peak of all the happenings is that when congress notoriously postporned the house before the scheduled date and with that Sonia anounced her resignation!!! Things went still awry with the election commission scheduling the by polls for the Congress kingdom Rae Bareli.
The Hindu reader rightly pointed that It's unwise to call the break between break fast and lunch as a fast and sacrifiece" which is what sonia has done!!! with sonia not even losing a business day in the parliament and loudly clamouring that everything is for common good!!
Lo!!! God has to be humble to save India and it's children from the so called politicians who are to server the people..
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